10 Reasons I Love Being A Nurse

1. Many different types of nursing.
There are more than a hundred different types of nursing jobs. ER Nurse, ICU Nurse, OR Nurse, School Nurse, Occupational Nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner, Cath Lab Nurse, Cruise Ship Nurse, Travel Nurse, Case Management Nurse, Insurance Billing Nurse, Legal Nurse, Informatics, Administration, Private Duty, and on and on. If you get burned out or tired of one type of nursing specialty… go try another type.

2. You can work anywhere in the world.
Any country, any state, any city and any town. While the location, language, facility, and equipment may change… nursing is nursing.
Continue reading “10 Reasons I Love Being A Nurse”

I am a nurse

I’ve been a nurse for more than 25 years… and I can honestly say I still love being a nurse.

It is not an easy job. One can only imagine how hard it is to comfort a mother who has just lost their child and then within minutes deal with an obnoxious, arrogant patient who feels twenty minutes is too long to wait. I’ve been punched, spit on, yelled at, hair pulled, and insulted. I’ve had patients pee on my shoes, I’ve had poop in my hair, puke on my scrubs, snot on my hands, and blood pretty much everywhere. Continue reading “I am a nurse”

Hello World…

Welcome to my Groovy Nurse Website and Blog. My name is Susie. I’m a Mom, a Nonni, a member of the fabulous 50’s club, an aspiring blogger/writer, and a Groovy Nurse.

I created this site to share some of my life experiences. It’s a collection of stories, photos, lessons and a Groovy Nurse Blog. It’s about nursing, parenting, single life, getting older, and living in a crazy world. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes sad, sometimes inspirational, and sometimes “thought provoking”. Yeah I know… LOL.

I hope you will travel along with me on this journey.

Be Kind...Be Grateful...Be Groovy